Madeline Fan is a Jin Shin Jyutsu practioner in Brattleboro, Vermont. She began studying this art in Atlanta, Georgia 1997 after she received her first session. To her astonishment and delight she discovered with daily application of self-help she could ease her asthma symptoms without medication. When Madeline moved to Chicago in 2000 and thought to transition to her new home with a session, she had the unbelievable luck and timing to find a 5 -day class with Matthias Roth being offered within days of her move. Timid at first to commit to taking the whole five day class, Madeline declared at lunchtime on day 1 that "This is too much fun!" and completed the entire class. She continued training to become a practitioner in 2003. Since then, she has studied closely with several Jin Shin Jyutsu instructors, continued learning with Matthias, and completed a mentorship with him in 2013.